We're starting a poll on our blog to choose top favorite fishing areas throughout the country. We all have our own favorite Fall Fishing areas we hit each year or perhaps a memorable location from years past. Most can agree that regardless of the destination, any place away from life's rat race is very much appreciated and savored for many years after.
So what are your favorites? Is it the San Juan Mountains in Colorado, fishing a small creek in the Catskill region, perhaps on a prefered river in Alaska during September, or could it be the Jackson Hole area, Muskegon River in Michigan or the Gauley area of West Virginia...you can't go wrong! Where will you be this Fall, hopefully on a the water enjoying some fine fishing and scenery. Me, well I think most of you know by now that I live for the Fall and I will be fishing as much as humanly possible for the next 4 weeks unless my client's at work protest my absence and I'm limited to only 3 days a week instead of 7!
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In my opinion, you need to adjust your poll! You simply cannot have a poll of top Fall North American fly fishing destinations and leave off Arkansas' White River system! Home of 5 out of 6 (all but the latest) of the last world record brown trout, low costs (motel rooms from $40-90 night), great southern hospitality, the FFF Southern Council Conclave the first weekend of October of every year, and 3 world-famous tailwaters within easy striking distance of Mountain Home and Cotter, AR, make this one simply impossible not to put in the top five of any fly angler's Fall fishing list! Heading that direction myself next Monday.
What no White River? It's on our poll and a few changes have been made. In my defense, my lack of sleep from fishing the Rocky Mtn Park all weekend and posting this in a haze of exhaustion around midnight last night.
Due to your response, an email and what my friend John Wilson down trhat way would think, I adjusted the poll a bit and after my morning coffee, much clarity is present and a few additional locations that need to be noted were added.
I'm sure there are about 50 other places we could list, I feel teh ones we have listed are pretty hard to beat and wish I could fish them all this Fall! Thanks for reminding me about the White and how sweet it is down there, as well as the Biggees awaiting my net~
The Jackson Hole area get's my vote for sure! Headed out that way next week and can not wait to fish as well as take in the Tetons Fall majesty.
Jackson Hole is up there for me as well. I lived up that way many years ago and to think about Fall in JH is as good as it gets. Until next Fall, 2010 a trip is in the works!
What no South Florida? Just kidding, all of those would be my number 1 picks for sure
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