If you want a Big trout gallery to marvel at, you're not going to find it at FFA...yeah doubt it but we do have a few sites for you to enjoy in the meantime. Send us yours and we'll post it on hear for all to see.
Our Pals at:
Tad at Colorado Trout Hunters
Jason and Matt at The Trophy Stalkers
The Guys at 307 Outfitters
I'm not sure if this helped me or hindered me; it sure was great to see some pigs! You see, my fishing has been deeply impacted by school (bleh) and Dustin's hunting (unfair). I haven't fished in at least a month...blasphemy!
Thanks for the links!
Ha nice, glad I could help. I had the same reaction from your site and all your hunting pics, I'm dying to get out and chase a few big game animals soon myself. Sorry you haven't been out much, hopefully you'll get out before it get's too cold out~
Those are some serious pigs in the Trophy Stalkers website. Where did they catch those?
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