
Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Fly Fishing Film Tour & The International Fly Fishing Film Festival are Here!

Are You Ready

They are back and just in the nick of time! With winter here and Denver reaping the benefits of both record snowfall in the Mountains and 50' degree days intown, what more could one ask for. Well the best of the best are back to Denver February 12th "5pm/8pm showings" to showcase what we've been waiting for and who will be named the top fly fishing film out there. Can you really have just one winner in a fly fishing film tour? I think not, instead I just get the itch to see more Saltwater action, Steelhead locations and Cutthroat Trout videos again. After last years show, not sure if they can beat those Vids!

The International Fly Fishing Exposition (IF4) consists of short and feature length films produced by professional and amateur filmmakers from all corners of the globe, showcasing the passion, lifestyle and culture of fly fishing. From trophy browns in New Zealand to giant tarpon in the Atlantic Ocean, the variety of films at this event are sure to peak the interest of all anglers.

Each IF4 screening is over 2 hours long, and features over a dozen films. There are great door prizes and all viewers get a chance to vote for their favourite film! Don't miss IF4 at the 2011 venues. Click on the Independent Screening Handbook Icon located on this page and get the scoop on how you can bring IF4 to your town.

The fly fishing film event of the year is coming to your town so get on it son! Featuring never-before-seen content from the best filmmakers in the industry, this year's spectacle is going to be bigger and better than ever.


- LDR Media tangoing with Mako Sharks

- Touring Mexico in a vegetable oil powered pickup with Motiv Fishing

- WorldANGLING chasing the elusive Permit

- Redfish in Louisiana from Waterline Media

- Beattie Outdoor Productions hunting Guatemalan Billfish and Midwestern Smallies

- Trout fishing adventure courtesy of Gambit Stone

- Third Year Fly Fisher seeking Midwest Musky

- On the flats with 406 Productions

Fim Tour Schedules and Info Here...

Check your local listings and get out to see the show!

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New 2011 Fly Fishing TV Shows Are Finally Here..

Are You a Couch Fisherman?

The new fly fishing season is upon us, not that of fighting ski traffic up in the hills to fish for a few modest hours, but instead enjoying some fly fishing on a lazy day via your recliner! Yes I am guilty of being a Couch fisherman! What can I say after long work weeks and busy weekend schedules, I find myself living vicariously through people like Flip Pallot and Kelly Galloup with their new season of fishing shows.

Many remember my write ups in 2010 and 2009 on the top Fly Fishing shows out there, most are back and it seems many more have shown up to showcase some incredible adventures. Do you have a favorite?

Information about this year's Fly Fishing shows has a slight curve ball. Apparently after talking to John at this year's Retailer show, ESPN has now decided to dump all of their fly fishing/outdoor shows due to the popularity of Bass fishing shows...What the heck?
"John Dietsch - Adventure Guides/Hook TV"

To those Comcast subscribers out there all I have to say is sorry! Nothing like having all of the fishing shows zapped from not only ESPN but also due to the fact you can't get the Outdoor Network. Thank goodness I have Direct TV and more fishing shows on my TIVO than I have time to watch.
Here are some shows that may interest you

Familiar Waters -
Pro's: Nice travel episodes of some sweet fly fishing destinations and big Tarpon
Con's: Get your camera guys to sit down & not to be in every single shot

Kelly Galloup Fish TV -
Pro's: It's Kelly Galloup what more could you want, learn how to shake that Bugger
Con's: No more Jack Dennis, hey that may not be a bad thing, nah we miss ol' Jack

Fish The Baja- Colorado's own Dave Maynard takes you on a few wild episodes in Baja! This new show actually does pretty well for a landlocked guy fishing down South.
Pro's: Chasing Roosterfish, Dorado and Baja's finest fishing areas
Con's: Need more inshore fly fishing if possible and you can never have enough Roosters

Flip Pallot Fishing Frontier - Flip decent show but I miss Walkers Cay Chronicles!
Pro's: It's Flip, can you get much better for Saltwater tips
Con's: Less Ford trucks and how their engines help us with fishing?

Buccaners and Bones - This is the show I think most are watching, fly fishing for Tarpon, bonefish and permit in you're talking!
Pro's: The cast is pretty hard to beat and the location is another plus, please bring back Lefty
Con's: Painful to watch the Fri Night Lights kid on there trying to cast a fly rod

Spanish Fly- One of my favorite fly fishing shows in the last few decades. Jose seems to always come up with creative ways to catch fish and I still can't decide which episode is my favorite.
Pro's: Next to Flip his shows have been the go to fly fishing show since college
Con's: Can't seem to think of any

Fly Rod Chronicles
Pro's: Well I have to think about this one?? I guess he helps Wounded Warrior programs
Con's: Stop hooting and hollering when you catch a fish

Hooked on The Fly - Not to be confused as Seasons on the Fly, similar but also another goody
Pro's: Incredible locations and can't wait to see Keys Tarpon and Chile monster bows again
Con's: More Saltwater but otherwise not much to improve upon

Seasons on The Fly - Great all around travel destinations and big fish! Greg found me online last year, happy to help anytime I can Greg!
Pro's: Big fish, great destinations and lot's of action
Con's: Can't wait to see what's in store for 2011

Wild on The Fly - The most talked about series of 2011!
Pro's: They go everywhere and catch those Golden Dorado's
Con's: Need more International, wait maybe not Montana episodes are pretty sweet

Fly Fishing World
Pro's: Watched this for years and it still stays at the top of my list
Con's: No new episodes this year it seems

Florida Sportsman
Pro's: Tips on fishing Florida...yeah we all need it, great magazine too!
Con's: Not enough fly fishing and fishing the Keys

Sport Fishing TV
Pro's: Yes more Saltwater, can you tell I love it!
Con's: Dull narative but decent fly fishing from time to time

Saltwater Experience
Pro's: A few of my friend's have been part of their Project Healing Waters program and shows.
Con's: Way too much spin fishing and not enough fly, that and less chatter around the pool at Hawk Cay resort

Outdoor Saltwater Series
Pro's: It's fishing mostly in Florida
Con's: Need more cowbells!

Token other Outdoor shows:
Wild Justice-California Fish and Game Dept crack down on nucklehead California poachers
Operation Wild-get your fix of Florida Wildlife incidents
Expedition Wild- Yellowstone Adventures with bears and what not to do in the wild
Alaska Wildlife Troopers- Wild adventures in Alaska cops/robbers, sorry no Sarah Palin here

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Quepos Costa Rica Roosterfish On The Fly in Counting! Here Comes Da Roosta With Troutdawg

Costa Rica Roosterfish are Hard To Beat For a Fight of a Lifetime!

What is it about this wild, mysterious and incredibly difficult fish to catch on a fly that has many repeatedly chasing them in Costa Ricaaaaaa/Panama/Baja year in year out? I find that question difficult to asnswer as most of you would. I was fortunate enough to fish in Costa Rica years ago for these incredible fish and years later in Mexico...I'm still trying to figure the big boys out on a fly. Maybe my trip to Costa Rica the next few weeks will help me either put this to rest or continue my saga to catch one monster of a Rooster on a fly.

Even after catching up with Running Down The Man's -Frank Smethurst a few times to gain insight, my knowledge still lacks and my 10wt still keeps asking me "when ya gonna get me something bigger than 20lbs?" Easier said than done there Gloomis settle down now!

Here are a few Videos to those Rooster fanatics out there! Enjoy this Teaser from Costa Rica and hopefully what I have to look forward to.

Not quite Costa Rica but one great video of Chasing Roosters on a fly down South. Can you ever get enough of this? One thing is for sure, you better bring some sunscreen, big gear and patience for these fish. The New York Times had a great write up not too long ago on these beauty's entitled "When The Roosterfish Start To Run, The Angler Tries To Keep Up"

*I do not Recommend using Pez Rey when fishing down in Quepos or Manuel Antonio

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Surface Film Being Presented in Denver's Art District! Greenback Trout Fundraiser

Denver Trout Fundraiser Come Out and Join Us

The Greenbacks seek to promote native Colorado fish and their habitat through the engagement and recruitment of the next generation of Trout Unlimited members. As an avid Trout Unlimited supporter and former Activities Director for Denver's Chapter, I highly recommend checking this out if you're in town or contact Greenback's for more info, thanks and the Greenback Trout will appreciate it!

'Surface Film'
Join us for our first fundraising event to benefit Colorado's Native Trout. Fish Photography for purchase.

Free Beer
Live Music
February 3, 2011
AT: Anthology Fine Art 635 Santa Fe Drive, Denver CO 80204
Website Link

We are currently looking for Sponsors and Photographers if interested please email

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter Fly Fishing in Colorado, The Arkansas River and More!

Tailwater Below Pueblo Dam Great For Winter Fishing

PUEBLO — Whether going through withdrawals from the fishing season past, looking ahead to warmer days or merely celebrating the new year, fishermen might consider a quick snack of popcorn trout.

"Yesterday was very similar to today, weather-wise," Alex Zipp, manager of the The Drift Fly Shop (formerly ArkAnglers) in Pueblo, reported Monday morning, not long after nighttime temperatures had plunged well below zero along the Arkansas River in Colorado's old Steel City.
"The afternoon fishing was pretty good, though, from about 1 o'clock to 3. There were midges coming off, and the fish were even coming up for dry flies in the quieter water below rocks. It's been pretty consistent that way."

Indeed, the consistency of winter fishing in the tailwater below Pueblo Dam has become a magnet for fishermen from the entire Front Range and points beyond. "Where else in Colorado can you find fish coming up for dry flies and emergers almost every day throughout the winter?" Zipp asked, accounting for the river's surge of popularity.

More Winter Fly Fishing Links

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Fly Fishing in Quepos-Manuel Antonio With Pez Rey..Not A Good Idea

I Do Not Recommend These Guys
This was backdated after my trip

So I booked another trip to Costa Rica for a fishing trip. Despite only booking one day out fishing I was pretty excited. What I found out was that these guys at Pez Rey totally disappointed me!

I'll let you be the judge and if you want to book them great, if not atleast you will know how my experience was. I travel all over and use many guides so there can be good days and bad but when you don't even get to fish that's never good. Pepsi was actually a nice guy and grew up in the area, the operation itself was one I was not pleased with at all.

Here's how my experience was for a 6 hour fishing day planned:
-Outfitter ignored my emails for weeks on setting our day and what they provide, he said their internet was down (despite there being many Internet cafes in the area)
-His dog rode in the car and scratched up my girfriend pretty good jumping all over
-We sat there bored for 4 hours looking for bait (I fly fish?)and never got to even touch a rod??
-I fly fish and only got to cast a fly rod for 5 minutes, that was with a rusted out fly nonetheless
-My guide actually casted 2x to Jacks swimming by with a fly rod....wait I don't get to cast to them?
-Nothing like getting his last email about catching a ton of Roosterfish prior to our trip and that they are biting nonstop to get a customer a little ticked off when we don't even get one or a shot at one
-Total fishing time for our 6 hour day was barely an hour and 1/2 and we had perfect weather so that wasn't even an issue!

Make your own decision about your trip but I would have gone with the Panga Zapata Brothers since they pulled up to us and immediately started catching fish right away, plus you get two guides on their boat and they catch some big roosters for what I found out.

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Friday, January 14, 2011

National Geographic Top Photography Pictures From 2010

Sit Back and Relax a Bit
Now that Winter is officially here and my daily activities consist of working outside for part of the day, than sitting at my home office computer the remainder; my daydreaming has picked up substantially lately with the cold weather. What better way to spend a few wasted moments during the day than thinking about fishing and enjoying some Amazing photography from some of the best out there!

More Great Photography Fly Fishing Links

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Arkansas River 100,000 Fish Kill!

What's Going on In Arkansas Lately?

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - An Arkansas Game and Fish Commission official says parasites and bacteria have been eliminated as causes of a fish kill last week in the Arkansas River.

Fisheries division chief Mark Oliver told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that it will take three more weeks to determine whether the 80,000 to 100,000 drum that died were killed by a virus. Samples were sent to the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff's fish-disease diagnostic laboratory for testing.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Beast of The Week! Black Marlin From Panama

Incredible Black Marlin Lookout Guy Harvey!

Some of you may know a popular guide who has normally splits his time between Jackson Hole putting client's on big trout and the same guy spending seasons in the Florida Keys chasing Sharks putting his client's on big fish there.

Well Carter Andrews is now down in Panama running an incredible Fishing Fleet at Islas Secas and keeps trying to get me down there for some action. Sorry Carter, as another local Jackson Hole Guide Jeff Currier and I joked about recently at the Denver Fly Fishing Show; I wish I had the cash to head your way but until than Costa Rica will have to do for now! By the way have fun in Baja next month catching Roosters and also the Seychelles caching Milkfish for your 20th anniversary Jeff!

Enjoy this picture from a Monster Marlin and I can't wait to see what other pictures he sends my way, the Marlin shot and his recent treble hook mishap will keep me guessing as to what's next?


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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

UGA VIII Passes, One Great Bulldog That Will Be Missed!

ATHENS – Uga VIII died Friday, at not quite 17 months old and after only a half-season as the University of Georgia mascot. This came after an incredible week in Athens signing one of the best recruiting classes in the country (#4) with the last signee of Jenkins.

The white English bulldog was diagnosed early last month with lymphoma, a common cancer in dogs.

“We all mourn the loss of Uga VIII, and our thoughts and prayers are with the Seiler family at this time,” said Georgia athletic director Greg McGarity, referring to the Frank W. “Sonny” Seiler family of Savannah, long-time owners of the Uga line of mascots.

Uga VIII, born Sept. 12, 2009, took over as the Bulldogs’ mascot at the Oct. 16, 2010, homecoming football game against Vanderbilt in Sanford Stadium. He served for the final six games of the regular season but did not travel to Memphis for the Liberty Bowl because of what was thought at the time to be a gastrointestinal condition.


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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Denver Fly Fishing Show & ISE International Sportsman Expo is Here!

What's Your Pleasure?
Fly Fishing Shows RecapLink

Happy New Year to all my fishing addicts out there and I hope you enjoyed the Holidays either dreaming of fly fishing, or better yet, entertaining oneself hopefully out on the water.

It's that time of year again when the weather turns cold, snow is falling and thoughts of a much needed escape soon takes over. Most are back to work this week and I can only imagine how much work is getting done, or lack of that is and computer screens are suddenly filled with Fly fishing videos as well as upcoming Fly Fishing shows to attend.

January kicks off Colorado's season for Fly Fishing shows and it couldn't have come any sooner! Just the thought of spending my weekends stuck inside working, outside shoveling snow or down in my man cave fly fishing room cleaning up has me excited to attend anything fly fishing related.

One problem that keeps showing its ugly head, and yes it's an ugly one is The Fact that we have two shows the exact same weekend to attend. Most fisherman and addicts would only be too happy to have this late Christmas present arrive, myself not so fast! I've been fortunate over the years to have worked at both shows but still prefer the The Fly Fishing Show hands down.

When is it ever a good thing to have two fly fishing shows compete with one another especially the Powerhouse of the ISE to make their 2nd annual show the same time as the Industry's favorite "The Fly Fishing Show?" Now this I'm sure will be a topic worth discussing for quite some time and I'm all for it, but when I'm friend's with the guy who has been putting together the Denver Fly Fishing Show (also the MA/NJ/PA/NC and California shows) this is never a good thing. I have noticed a bailout of sorts with companies, speakers and attendees which will only get worse if this continues. Last year it was not a good site to see the show less crowded compared to years before and also the vendors who normally attend with great regards, found themselves making a difficult decision to go with the ISE. I do not fault the vendors or companies at all, you have to go where the business is so it's just the organizers of the ISE I have a problem with. I fault the ISE for once again trying to shove out the Fly Fishing Show for their own personal gains and to dominate an open Industry that needs all that it can get to survive.

If you want to attend the ISE International Sportsman Show that's cool and I will be there as well (one of my 3 days split between the 2 shows) and I'm looking forward to it. I have many friends speaking and attending this great show as well; I just do not agree with the way this was scheduled and hope that they are able to change things next year, as was told to me last year due to a ski show conflict, this year not so much.

One thing is for certain, you can get your fill at either show and if you're lucky enough, attend both shows and support both causes.

Denver Fly Fishing Show
Friday-Sunday January 7-9th
Merchandise Mart
9am-5:30pm each day

ISE Show Denver
Thursday-Sunday January 6-9th
Colorado Convention Center
Thursday Noon to 9:00 pm
Friday, Noon to 9:00 pm
Saturday, 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Sunday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

More Great Fly Fishing Show Links

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