We all know and love the characters Henry Winkler plays in his acting life, so it’s not hard to believe that he’s an equally enjoyable fellow off screen. To truly get to know him, though, one must understand that he is dedicated to two things in life: his family and fly-fishing. For the first time, Winkler offers readers a glimpse at his life off camera and explores these twin passions in his new book I’ve Never Met an Idiot on the River. A blend of memoir, life lessons, and fisherman philosophy, this charming read is an endearing collection of wisdom which Henry has gleaned while on the river and a candid look at the life of one of America’s most celebrated comic actors.
As an accomplished fly-fisherman, Winkler records the stats of every catch and snaps a picture with each fish before putting them back in the water. But he’s learned that his yearly trips are not just about hooking trout; they’re about adopting the proper perspective on life. Or, as Winkler puts it, the river acts as a “washing machine for my brain,” recharging him and reminding him that anything is possible.
About Henry Winkler
Henry Winkler is an actor, producer, director, and author. He is probably best known for his role as the Fonz in the 1970s U.S. television sitcom Happy Days. His fishing exploits have been featured on Fly Fishing the World and he regularly recounts them during his speaking engagements around the country.
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I always liked The Fonz....will have to check this out. :)
Talk about someone who has a true love for fly fishing! I've watched him for many years on fly fishing the world tv show. He is fun to watch and also excited to read his book
Well Love all the fabulous details on your blog.
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