
Monday, February 27, 2012

Thousands of Sharks off Florida Coast!

Shark Migration..Watchout
Article Link

In Palm Beach County Wednesday, beach visitors were soaking up the sun and sharing stories of incredible shark sightings.

"There were a thousand sharks in a school offshore here," said one. Another said, "They were coming right up. You could get knee deep in water and they were coming in that close."

Over the past month, similar scenes have played out along the South Florida coast, at times along the shoreline. The images from above, like an invading army of black ants at a picnic, but these are sharps known as black tips and spinners.

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Monster Brown Trout Alert Patagonia!

Monster Fish of The Week

Just when you though Browns didn't grow that big, think again! This monster came from none other than Patagonia recently. The fish and picture came from the Facebook pages of Salar Flies. Can't wait to chase some Browns again down South, great time down there a few years ago but nothing like this..Brown or Atlantic, what ya think?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Carp Are Finally Getting Recognized As a Popular Targeted Species!

Published: February 12, 2012

Fly-fish for carp? For many anglers, the first response might be, “Why?” For coldwater anglers, carp have long been the fodder of mean-spirited jokes, a species more likely to be pursued with a bow and arrow than a bead-head nymph. But the fly-fishing frame of mind regarding Cyprinus carpio is changing.

Will Rice, an outdoors writer based in Denver, had his moment of “carptharsis” a number of years ago.

“During the spring runoff, trout fishing in the Colorado Rockies is just not happening,” Rice said. “One May, a friend and I were eager to wet a line, so we headed east from Denver to fish a reservoir for wiper,” a striped bass and white bass hybrid.

“We rented a boat and began zipping around,” he said. “At the edges, high water had pushed over the banks into some grass flats. We took a closer look and saw all these fish moving around — 10- to 12-pound fish — finning, mudding, even tailing. They were carp. We didn’t catch any that day, but it was eye-opening to see fish behaving like this — the way bonefish and permit behave. Carp are a species you can sight cast to with a fly rod without traveling to the Caribbean.” Comparisons to bonefish in terms of their skittishness and strength have earned carp the nickname golden ghost.

Top Carp Information-Tips from FFA Here

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Winter Fly Fishing in The Rockies, Hard To Beat!

The Colorado River: Midges and Spring Spawners from Reel Escape Films on Vimeo.

Remembering a great time out with Friends fishing on one of our favorite sections of water in Middle Park. Thanks again Nick for shooting some great footage and can't wait to get back out again sometime!

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Best of The Best Fly Fishing TV Shows 2012 Review

Get Your Tivo Ready

Okay here it is, I've been told that I am a die hard fly fishing addict -in case this comes as a shock and I think my blog title gives it away. Since Winter limits my water activity somewhat, I'm open for anything fishing related to keep me occupied. So whether it's local fly fishing shows, Fly Fishing film premieres, or something I think all of you can relate to....2012 Fly Fishing TV Schedules.

What's your choice of fishing shows do you like? I think there's something for everyone and I think there's plenty of junk out there too it just depends on what you are looking for.

Here's a taste...
Here are some shows that may interest you

Familiar Waters -
Pro's: Nice travel episodes of some sweet fly fishing destinations and big Tarpon
Con's: Get your camera guys to sit down & not to be in every single shot

Kelly Galloup Fish TV -
Pro's: It's Kelly Galloup what more could you want, learn how to shake that Bugger
Con's: No more Jack Dennis, hey that may not be a bad thing, nah we miss ol' Jack

Fish The Baja- Colorado's own Dave Maynard takes you on a few wild episodes in Baja! This new show actually does pretty well for a landlocked guy fishing down South.
Pro's: Chasing Roosterfish, Dorado and Baja's finest fishing areas
Con's: Need more inshore fly fishing if possible and you can never have enough Roosters

Flip Pallot Fishing Frontier - Flip decent show but I miss Walkers Cay Chronicles!
Pro's: It's Flip, can you get much better for Saltwater tips
Con's: Less Ford trucks and how their engines help us with fishing?

Fishing The Flats -
Pro's: Lot's of great Saltwater action and Top fishing tips
Con's: I don't get Fox sports so I miss a ton of their episodes

Buccaners and Bones - This is the show I think most are watching, fly fishing for Tarpon, bonefish and permit in you're talking!
Pro's: The cast is pretty hard to beat and the location is another plus, please bring back Lefty
Con's: Painful to watch the Fri Night Lights kid on there trying to cast a fly rod

Spanish Fly- One of my favorite fly fishing shows in the last few decades. Jose seems to always come up with creative ways to catch fish and I still can't decide which episode is my favorite.
Pro's: Next to Flip his shows have been the go to fly fishing show since college
Con's: Can't seem to think of any

Fly Rod Chronicles
Pro's: Well I have to think about this one?? I guess he helps Wounded Warrior programs
Con's: Stop hooting and hollering when you catch a fish

Hooked on The Fly - Not to be confused as Seasons on the Fly, similar but also another goody
Pro's: Incredible locations and can't wait to see Keys Tarpon and Chile monster bows again
Con's: More Saltwater but otherwise not much to improve upon

Seasons on The Fly - Great all around travel destinations and big fish! Greg found me online last year, happy to help anytime I can Greg!
Pro's: Big fish, great destinations and lot's of action
Con's: Can't wait to see what's in store for 2011

Wild on The Fly - The most talked about series of 2011!
Pro's: They go everywhere and catch those Golden Dorado's
Con's: Need more International, wait maybe not Montana episodes are pretty sweet

Fly Fishing World
Pro's: Watched this for years and it still stays at the top of my list
Con's: No new episodes this year it seems

Florida Sportsman
Pro's: Tips on fishing Florida...yeah we all need it, great magazine too!
Con's: Not enough fly fishing and fishing the Keys

Sport Fishing TV
Pro's: Yes more Saltwater, can you tell I love it!
Con's: Dull narative but decent fly fishing from time to time

Saltwater Experience
Pro's: A few of my friend's have been part of their Project Healing Waters program and shows.
Con's: Way too much spin fishing and not enough fly, that and less chatter around the pool at Hawk Cay resort

Outdoor Saltwater Series
Pro's: It's fishing mostly in Florida
Con's: Need more cowbells!

Token other Outdoor shows:
Wild Justice-California Fish and Game Dept crack down on nucklehead California poachers
Operation Wild-get your fix of Florida Wildlife incidents
Expedition Wild- Yellowstone Adventures with bears and what not to do in the wild
Alaska Wildlife Troopers- Wild adventures in Alaska cops/robbers, sorry no Sarah Palin here

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Big Snow Week in Colorado!

Yep I know this is a few days late but thought I would show you a little from this past weekend. Denver was hit with about 24" of snow depending what part of town you live in. Reports were from Evergreen at 30"+ and Central City with 48".

Boca Dawg had a fantastic day out playing near Red Rocks and any chance she gets to deep dive into powder, she is one happy dog!

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Surface Film Night..

Another Great Turnout at Denver's Surface Film

I knew it was going to be another fun night when I arrived and Tim Romano, always the character, was wearing a name tag that said Marvin! The crowd grew larger and larger as the night progressed, slow start due to the pending blizzard hitting town.

Lot's of impressive artwork once again and they didn't disappoint. I was able to catch up with Mark Lance and to see what new projects he was currently working on. His pictures always captures some of the most impressive viewpoints and locations around. Between his Spring trips to Argentina, fall trips chasing Steelhead in BC and local water, he definitely enjoys ample time out on the water each season. Whether you are into Bryan Gregson's sweet pics, Brian Grossenbacher's incredible eye and unique images or one of my fav's Corey Kruitbosch work -perhaps you've seen him in many magazines lately...there is something for everyone! Great night and glad they wereable to raise more funds for an incredible cause.

Last Years Surface Film Recap by FFA
Trout Unlimited Blog
Greenbacks Site

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Waterproof Cameras Exposed, Take a Look!

Take a Closer Look

It's summer in the northern hemisphere, and no doubt a lot of people reading this will be enjoying the hot weather, planning trips to local beaches and lakes. In our recent group test of compact 'travel zoom' cameras we covered 14 of the most versatile compact cameras currently on the market in terms of zoom range, but maybe some of you want something a little more rugged. Perhaps you want something you can even take into the water, as you take a refreshing dip, or maybe you're the adventurous type, and just want something that you don't need to worry about if it gets dropped or banged against a rock.

That's where waterproof compact cameras come in. Like travel zooms, the waterproof/rugged market has expanded considerably in recent years, and most of the major manufacturers currently offer at least one camera in this class.

The appeal of waterproof compact cameras is obvious - you don't need to worry about protecting them from the weather, they can withstand a bit of rough treatment, and if you take a dip in the water (deliberately or accidentally) they can carry on shooting. The outdoor shot on the left here is from the Pentax WG-1 GPS, and the underwater shot was taken on the Sony Cyber-shot TX10.

More on Waterproof Cameras

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