
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Limay River Argentina Fly Fishing..I can't Wait to Get Back Again!

Filmed on one of the largest rivers in Argentine Patagonia, the Limay, near the town of Bariloche, November 2013. My good friend and world-class caster Tim Rajeff, of Rajeff Sports, and our Argentinian guide Óscar Dono, of Fly Fishing Patagonia, fished for rainbow trout and brown trout in some of South America's most incredible crystal clear waters.

Fortunately, we caught a day with low winds. The usual Patagonian winds can sometimes add a complicated rush: flying my copter above a river flowing at 14,000 CFS is ten times more difficult with wind. We got a lucky break! Argentina truly has some of the most spectacular trout fishing in the world. An awesome angler fishing in an awesome environment always yields a fun and entertaining experience, even for the cameraman! Thanks to Tim Rajeff and to the expertise of guide Óscar Dono, who got us to some of the most trout-filled stretches of water. Also thanks to Patagonia, a T-Motion featured sponsor. Check out the folks at Fly Fishing Patagonia for more info on fishing the Patagonia region of Argentina. Filmed November 2013 - Camera and Edit by Todd Moen.

Special thanks to friends Oscar Dono and Tim Rajeff.
Fly Fishing Patagonia -

Rajeff Sports - -

Here is a Link from my Fishing Trip to the Bariloche area a few years back:

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Monday, October 12, 2015

Disease Kills 150,000 Hatchery Fish in Oregon's North Umpqua River

Disease stemming from warm water in the North Umpqua River has killed 150,000 fish at a Roseburg area fish hatchery, marking the facility's second mass die-off this summer.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife alerted the public Friday to the deaths among its summer steelhead stock, blaming an historic drought that has heated the Umpqua's water and allowed pathogens to thrive.

The deaths mark a second catastrophe this summer at the hatchery, which lost its entire spring Chinook stock in June after a clogged intake pipe blocked their access to water.

Jessica Sall, a spokeswoman for the state fish and wildlife agency, said agency officials do not belief the two incidents at Rock Creek are related, or linked to practices or equipment at the facility

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