
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Fly Fish Addiction 2016 Year in Review

Year in Review for such an amazing year we had here at FFA!

When I look back at 2016 a few things come to mind, one is how much time I'm still away from the water due to my boys keeping my at home most weekends. Than I think to myself, I'm one lucky guy considering how many of my friends actually don't have friends and still do not fish as much as I do!

Don't get me wrong, I get my share of time on the water but when you have two little guys that I enjoy every minute of the day with, fishing can always wait.

I was lucky enough to get my fair share of trips in this past year with Belize taking the prize for Bonefish and Tarpon. Multiple out of state trips whether to Florida or Wyoming I enjoyed this year completely.

What does 2017 have in store for me? Who knows how to answer that however I know that my boys will be eager to catch more trout again since my oldest is ready for his new favorite the "Tiger Trout".

2016 Year in Review Fishing Album

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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Denver Fall Fishing Close To Home!

Fall Browns in Town

I love to head the Mountain in the Fall like any other fisherman in town. When my wife only gives me a few hours to fish, I know exactly where to go.

How can you beat catching a few nice Trout, Bass and other fish to pass the time. Can't wait to get back out to my local hotspot again soon.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving From Fly Fish Addiction

Enjoy the Holiday Season with Family, Friends and a few of your closest Fish!

Thanks Troutrageous for the picture

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Wyoming Stillwater Trout Fishing at It's Finest!

Stillwater Action
This is a continued post from our last FFA post from our trip. I actually could post about 5 times more with stories and pictures from this past trip.  

We had such an amazing time eating antelope meat, drinking whiskey by the fire and even a few cigars to enjoy. With the weather cooperating, which is not the case most trips to this area, we managed to fish all day and part of the nights to make this another trip worth remembering.

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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Stillwater Fall Fly Fishing

Fall is Here

One thing I love about Fall each year is the colors that light up the Mountains. While the scenery is amazing to look at, I'm also here for the fishing as well.

Nothing like getting a few buddies out for the weekend on another out of state Lake fishing trip. Colorado has been too busy lately so time for a road trip.

What's a guys camping weekend without taking the big camper and all the bells/whistles to satisfy a few needs with heat as well as refrigerator. Taking the boat out to catch a few and relax with a few drinks between fishees!

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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Southern Boys Weekend in the Gunnison River Valley!

Gunnison Valley Fall Weekend

It's that time of year again to head to one of my favorite areas in the state. Our trip has been in the planning for a few months and I couldn't wait to entertain my Georgia and North Carolina buddies.

This area can be absolutely gorgeous one minute and one of the coldest in the state the next. The trout treated us well and the Salmon made us feel like we were in Alaska with all of the Sockeye's we caught.

We alternated between fishing near the Almont area, the Taylor River C&R section and
the Black Canyon of the Gunnison region for some Fall fishing. Beautiful weather and a few hatches made this well worth it.
The Gunnison is one of the top areas for big rainbow and brown trout, and the isolated, narrow Black Canyon is one of those places that inspires or keeps you coming back year after year. The best way to thoroughly explore the area and get a real feel for this awesome river is to take a float trip through it and spend several days working on flies and getting tips from experienced guides, such as those with Black Canyon Anglers, a longtime outfitter on the "Gunny."

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September Alaska Fly Fishing The Kenai, Best Fall Trout and Salmon Fishing!

Fall in Alaska

It's that time of year again that I wish I was sitting high and dry on a drift boat floating the mighty Kenai again.

I made the trip every year for as long as I can remember before marriage and kids, yeah I know:) Life is good now but fishing Alaska every Fall was a trip I counted down as soon as I left the Fall trip before.

Trout fishing on the Kenai is always good, and more often than not it is great. If the salmon pursuit is slow, it seems you can always depend on the trout to save the day. Some years are certainly better than others and to the extent we find angling success for trout is largely related to what else...the salmon. You see here in Alaska, trout and salmon are forever connected. The salmon's mysterious life cycle is everything but a mystery to the Kenai's thriving trout population.
Unlike famous trout streams in the lower 48 where astute anglers cast hand tied replicas of mayflies or caddis, the Kenai is an underwater show, almost entirely subsurface. In a river the size of the Kenai, it seems there is enough food on the river's bottom to make the rise to the rivers surface a waste of time and energy. One might argue that one big bite of salmon flesh or loose spawn has 100 times the nutrient value of one aquatic insect. From the trout's perspective, why waste your time chasing a snack when a full course meal is all around you.

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Friday, September 2, 2016

Denver Trout Unlimited Carp Slam 2016 is Here!

DENVER, COLO.— Denver Trout Unlimited announces new sponsors to support their 10th Annual Carp Slam event, a pro-am fly fishing tournament and celebration to be held on the South Platte River on September 10, 2016.

Joining to support water quality and quantity initiatives in Denver’s urban environment are: ECI Site Construction Management, Davis Graham and Stubbs, The Moskal Group of Merrill Lynch, Matrix Design Group, National Wildlife Federation, Loghouse Books, Dream Stream Designs, Wright Water Engineers and Big Red F Restaurant Group. Denver Trout Unlimited continues to welcome new sponsors.

Denver Trout Unlimited is a non-profit organization made up of volunteers dedicated to improving the quality and quantity of the water in the South Platte River. For ten years, Carp Slam has been Denver TU’s annual fly fishing tournament fundraiser. After a day on the river, competitors and supporters alike come together for “An Evening on the South Platte,” including an awards ceremony, live music, silent auction, food and drink.

Fly Fish Addiction Carp Pages: Top Flies, Locations and Tips!

Carp Slam Link

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Kids 1st Fish is Always a Special Treat!

One Proud Papa

The family decided to head to Buena Vista for another fun weekend trip with the Camper. One item on the checklist was to not only get my kids out fishing but also get my 3 year old his first fish.

Nothing like grabbing the Spiderman rod/reel and headed to a local water hole for some trout fishing. Good thing I had a tackle box full of Powerbait and bobbers to chase a few stockers.

After an hour of trying our best to catch one, it happened....a monster of a Brown trout my son stated as well pulled her in for a moment of happiness!

Take a kid fishing and get a lasting memory!

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Friday, July 1, 2016

Happy 4th of July!

Have a Fun and Safe Holiday Weekend!

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