
Monday, October 16, 2017

Idaho Stillwater Fall Fly Fishing

The Bite is Still On!

It's hard to put into words how much fun our trip was recently. Between the gorgeous weather, okay it snowed a few days but it stayed warm enough to stay on the water most days.

What's better, a great day out fishing with friends with no crowds, or a great day out with friends and plenty of about both?

These hidden lakes kept us busy for most of the week and when not enjoying some Stillwater action, we also hit some local tailwaters for some streamer action!


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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Fall Stillwater Adventures

Annual Fall Rumble Fly Fishing Trip

It's that time of year again where the guys are off on another Fly Fishing Adventure. This Fall is back to a familiar spot that can be good or as fishing goes, very temperamental.

With this amount of water in the region we are fishing at near Yellowstone seems daunting, well daunting in a good way as in too much water to fish. With so many lakes and river close by it's not a question of which lake but better yet...who has the biggest fish this time of year.

In a number of Fly Fish Addiction post on the way, I'll let you decide on how well our 8 day adventure went!

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