
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kenai River Alaska Festival

June 13 & 14, 2009
Soldotna Creek Park in downtown Soldotna, AK

The Kenai River Festival is a festival unlike any other in the state of Alaska. The Kenai River Festival is a time to reflect on the importance of the Kenai River in our lives; to celebrate its great recreational, economic and educational opportunities; to learn how we can take care of the River; and understand our part in the survival of the Kenai River. This event is centered around educating our children on the benefits of taking care of the Kenai River and our watershed. By incorporating inspirational and educational activities in a fun environment, we have fun and learn at the same time.

In June on the Kenai you will expereince;
-In low water kings will hold up in holes longer.
-Fresh out of the salt, these fish are beautifully bright fish and great eating salmon for your families and guests.
-You can keep 1 king salmon up to 28" 1 per day. only in May and June
-This early season fishery sees little to no crowds anywhere on the river.
-Great deals on fishing and lodging packages as this is considered the shoulder season to the main tourist months of July and August.
-Lots and lots of big kings in the river due to the slot limit 46" to 55"
-If you are here from the 1st week of June till around the 20th you can fish for our 1st run sockeye salmon. These fish are only about 3 to 6lbs but offer great action on light tackle. Kids -love this one for the fast and furious action.
Fish and game has opened the river to bait fishing in June for the last two years.
A great time to see wildlife on and around the Kenai River. Lots of mother moose with new born calves and even an occasional brown bear is spotted in the area.

The Kenai River Festival is a FREE event open to all! This event is supported entirely through the generosity of local businesses and organizations.

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