
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dream Stream South Platte Spring Fishing..See Redd Walk Away!

We've all been there, Trout are on the Redds and right below your feet teasing you. To most of us anglers who wish to see our waters grow and filled with young trout for years to follow, we can pass and just admire. The decision to pass on a Trout on a bed is an easy decision if not a no brainer. To many it's an easier chance to catch big fish and show off to their friends. I was sent a link recently from a local fishing forum that boasted a few guys who felt the need to showcase a few fish they found on the Redds and bragged about just standing on top of them picking them off left/right, shameful. Not a good thing and if I catch you on the river I'm definitely letting you know! Why not fish to those set behind them, upstream or another spot?

When fishing the Dream Stream, let's face it, it has more idiots per square mile uhh unruly folks, than any other place I've fished. Instead of a Fish Per Mile stat book I keep, I have an Idiot's Per Mile book notepad to know where the idiots will be hatching that weekend. Again not to stir the pot but I can gaurantee that every person who has fished there in the last year can come up with a few stories on their experience.

How to identify, what are Redds? Link to Info

Combat Fishing
Whether it's some yo yo scouting your hole while you're in it, some jackal casting a rapala full of 9 hooks hoping to snag the fish or idiots who specifically go out of their way to target these fish and trounce all over their gravel beds without even so much as a slight consideration as to the affects this has. Everyone can't be policed and it comes down to each individual but I hope would realize how important of a time this is and to leave them be.

Sometime in late February or early March, rainbow trout from the reservoir begin entering the river on their annual spawning run, an odyssey that might take them to the base of Spinney Mountain Dam. Snake River cutthroats and cutbows also move up the river, and the occasional brown trout, presumably attracted to eggs from the spring spawners, might accompany the run. The trout have grown to size in the exceptionally productive waters of the reservoir. Some may weigh in the double digits, and they might be visible in the stream.

Story Link in the Denver Post

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  1. Interesting subject on the fishing while in the spawn. Just like hunting while in the rut? However if pressure continues to increases these poor fish will never be able to spawn.

  2. Yeah it's a fine line, having been a hunter for 30 years I know how hunting the rut could fall in line with it being similar.

    We all fish sometimes during the spawning seasons the only difference is most people take advantage of this and look for the spawners, camp out and to hook/snag the females off their beds or not knowing what to look for when wading through spawning beds. That's the jist of it from what I see and awareness only needs to be addressed. With hunting

  3. Not a big fan either of targeting fish on the bed. Nice to admire and watch but to try and catch, not for this guy. Nice write up


  4. Thanks,

    You know it's more of a personal choice to me, none of my friends do and it coming down from my high horse I can say that it's up to each person mostly. I just think as a conservationist, a fisherman who believes in what's the right thing to do it's not me. Some guys do it and whatever, I just think as far as the sport goes and future it's not a good thing
