I'm a Stillwater nut and when I can escape to a few favorite Lakes, I'm there every weekend if possible. Some fun times fishing a few Colorado lakes recently, sweet night time action, 15 hookups one afternoon and camping right on the water, what more could you ask for!
Great day out at one of my favorite Stillwater haunts
Many fat Rianbows and Snake River Cutts were the target of my weekend
Fishing Colorado's Stillwater, Tips locations and more
Stillwater Summer fishing means you never know what to expect, crazy winds, few crowds and great fishing if you're lucky enough. Chironomids, Damsels and Callibaetis is the way to go, so stock up before heading out on the lake!
Good trip report and nice shots
What a grand fishing trip you got there. Colorado is really full of surprises. And I am proud to live in this place. I have so much to be proud of starting from the various national forests, state parks, and mountain ranges that make is very popular among tourists and campers.