
Monday, November 8, 2010

The Lost World Of Mr. Hardy

It's Hardy Time

I think most people in the Fly Fishing world knows the name Hardy, but how many actually know the remarkable story behind the name? I was contacted by Nick Foundoukis at Trufflepig Films regarding the movie about "The Lost World of Mr. Hardy" and asked to take a look at his video. I get a number of videos sent to me from time to time and always enjoy watching whether Fly Fishing adventures, or in this case, an incredible story about Mr Hardy. The film is also available for stream-rental from their website for $2.99 so take a look.

I received the video and enjoyed it from start to finish, if you haven't watched this or are interested in finding out more, definitely contact him and get your video today! This documentary is a span of time through the Hardy brothers and is worth watching a number of times. Between the amazing photography, classic historic scenes and an impressive music theme to accompany this film.

I am a definite fan of Hardy, the name, history and it's products (recent write up on Hardy from Denver's 2010 Retailer Fly Fishing Show).

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