
Friday, April 1, 2011

Caption of The Week...Classic Bonefish Shot!

I'm Outta Here!

My boy Kyle from Compleat Thought was at it again on a recent FIBfest trip to Andros. A collection of bloggers were invited to Andros by way of Deneki Outdoors for a fun filled week of Bonefishing -hey what they heck, where was my invite guys? I'm glad Kyle was able to make it down and get a taste of what Saltwater was like. I'm been telling him for awhile how much different the Saltwater game was. Once you go Salt it grabs ahold of you and never let's you go! Glad you got your first of many bonefish this trip and can't wait to hear about it when you get back. Can't wait to get back again there myself and chase some double digit bones.

What is FIBfest you ask? This week at Andros South they’re hosting a great lineup of folks who write about fishing online. Here’s the plan: they’re all going to go fishing, and write about it online. FIB stands for Fishing Industry Bloggers, and is in no way a reflection of the tendency of anglers to get creative with the truth. Maybe next year I get the call!

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