
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Midcurrent's Top Photography

Top Photographers in Fly Fishing

If you've been fishing a short period of time or a many years, one thing is probably have pulled out a camera once or twice for a money shot. A majority of us, including myself have tried to articulate that perfect shot and more times than not it never comes out the way you wanted it.

Despite the lack of experience or even lack of decent camera gear, there is always a friend tagging along who can grab a better shot for you and help you remember that great day out on the River.

Some of us should just keep to just fishing instead of being behind the lense. Many guys out there have made it big in the Photography world and many of those were chosen to be listed in Midcurrent's Photography section. If you haven't checked out this array of photographers you have been missing out.

Whether you have a specific style of photography you like, a B&W specialist, someone who travels the globe to give you a variety of waters or if it's that Macro specialist we all love. When you're on Midcurrent to get the latest in Flyfishing make sure to checkout their photography section for a little more excitement.

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