
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Record Catfish Caught On a Fly!

Here Kitty Cat!

It was one of the mornings that I had to get out and fish. Work has been well so I thought I would go in late after making some casts. I picked a local pond I know well and have fished for a number of years now.

What I didn't expect was to catch a number of fish so easily since it typically fishes off and on here. The morning started with a smallmouth bass on a crayfish pattern than turned to some eager trout, which I will be honest, I had no idea they had them in here.

Than came the moment, the moment when most of us as fly fisherman think about when fishing local ponds, a bite that would take you by surprise!

The tug that would change everything. I was actually casting to a few smallmouth bass when I got hit, hit hard by something. I thought it was actually a carp when it grabbed it and I saw a flash however when it didn't bolt like a permit, I knew it was something else.

After many attempts to land her as well as assistance from some friends, I was able to end this 20 minute fight on my 5 weight rod and 6lb tippet!

Al in all she went 41 1/2 and weighed 30+lbs pushing my record by 15lbs for the biggest cat I've ever caught on a fly. What a morning and what fish!

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  1. Awesome~! I have caught, and others have as well, fish up to say 5-6lb. But your cat could eat those, good job!


  2. That is an incredible catch on a fly rod! Nice going


  3. Thanks it was a fun fight!

