
Monday, June 28, 2010

Colorado Gill Lice Found...It's Here and It's Not Good. Lice Found on The Blue River

Trout Parasites in Colorado

Fishing some of Colorado's Top trout waters this Spring gave me a huge wake up call. Was it the cold weather we encountered most weekends in Summit/Grand county?..nope, was it the annoying crowd factor that covers most fisheries in the state in the Springtime?...not a chance, was it the lack of finding big trout to catch, not even close.

We encountered a few too many fish that became the latest victim in this already tough trout battle we fight to keep them healthy each year. Gill lice was the culprit and to see a few of our prized trout having the life sucked out of them over time is a blow never easy to accept. Whether it's the Blue River where these were found or past locations that you've heard about over the years, the future of our waters is yet to be figured out. Mud snails are just the beginning, many new breeds of parasites will be here shortly unfortunately, it's just a matter of time before treatments can be apllied to and more money is spent on cures.

Information I received from many of the back-n-forth emails with Colorado's Top Fisheries Biologist Pete Walker this Spring. Pete is listed as:
"Senior Fish Pathologist Colorado DNR - Division of Wildlife- -Aquatic Animal Health Program"

Our most serious discovery of the past year was the finding of a new but apparently expanding population of rusty crayfish, Orconectes rusticus, in Catamount Lake and the stretch of the Yampa River for a couple of miles directly below the lake’s outlet. This may well prove especially damaging to the system from an endangered species recovery standpoint. The crayfish species is a dominating one and especially omnivorous with an appetite for rooted aquatic vegetation.

You are probably aware of our findings of zebra and quagga mussel larvae in 8 lakes on both sides of the Divide. It remains to be seen whether or not any of these introductions will “take.”
I personally found two sloughs here in Morgan County invaded by mosquitofern, Azolla sp. Elsewhere we have Eurasian watermilfoil, purple loosestrife, and Dydimosphenia geminata, the rogue diatom also known as “rock snot.”

Who knew that New Zealand mudsnails were only the dress rehearsal for what was to come!


Where do we go from here? Good question, information is key whether from knowing what parasites are affecting your local trout streams, what local fisheries are doing to protect or what you can do on a local level to help prevent any further outbreaks when out fishing.

A special thanks also goes out to others that helped me research this matter and other issues regarding the Blue River the last few months.
christine hanson-FWS Gov; Tom Remington State of Colorado; Greg Gerlich-State of Colorado; chris myrick-Colorado State Univ; Carolyn Gunn-State of Colorado; Jeff.VerSteeg-State of Colorado, Dave Stout BLM, Susie BLM offices Kremmlimg.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Roosterfish on The Fly! Are You Running Down The Man?

A Classic that never gets old!

Our pal Frank Smethurst it seems is never too far from the water. Whether his days are busy shooting incredible fly fishing videos, on tour with Trout Unlimited's show "On The Rise" or fishing his home waters of Colorado, one thing is for certain....this guy knows how to catch fish! Chasing Roosters is something I love to do but never find enough time to get back for more, whether in Costa Rica or the motherland of Baja, this clip should definitely inspire me to run down the Rooster.

Sit back, relax and enjoy a classic from a few years ago!

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Top New Fly Fishing Tips, Websites, Knots, Fishing Reports, Blogs, Flies, Big Trout Pictures and Tips!

Fly Fishing Tips15 hours ago
Charles have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for Fly Fishing Tips and great passion and knowledge for Fly Fishing Tips and all the ...
RSS for EzineMark Articles -

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Montana Fly Fishing Fly Fishing Advisers2 hours ago by Blake
Fly Fishing Advisers. We Advise on Fly Fishing the Madison. Home · Accessories · Rods & Reels · Ice Fishing · Fly Shop · Fishing Video Shop · Privacy Policy · Fishing Getaways · Fishing News · Fishing Tips · Fishing Videos ...
Fly Fishing Advisers -

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Where To Fly Fish In North Carolina Fly Fishing For Trout8 hours ago by admin
The mountains of North Carolina have many streams running through them and provide some great trout fly fishing in a beautiful setting. In most of these trout streams and rivers you can catch all three types of trout; brook, ...
Fly Fishing For Trout -

Summer 2010 Best Photos! - The North American Fly Fishing Forum14 hours ago by Biggie
The snow is flying and time on the water is getting limited by ole 'Mother Nature'! The computer gives my back and my sanity a break from the monotony.
The North American Fly Fishing Forum -

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worldsbestblog - Northwest Fly Fishing (1-year auto-renewal)1 hour ago by worldsbestblog
Northwest Fly Fishing is the magazine of choice for fly anglers who live or fish in the Pacific Northwest. The area of coverage includes: California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Western Canada, and Alaska. ...
worldsbestblog -

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Fishing with small flies - Fly Fishing Forums11 hours ago by FHS
Can anyone advise on the best set up and methods- especially materials and diameters of leaders/tippets, for fishing dries and emergers down to size.
Fly Fishing Forums -

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Josh Lantz. World Class Fly FIshing, fishing guide, Cranberry Lake ...24 Oct 2010 by Don Dziedzina
Josh does fly fish and takes clients out on the St. Joseph River and other great waters for fly fishing excursions. But he also takes clients out and uses traditional tackle as well. One of his home waters is Cranberry Lake near Mill ...
ChicagoNow -

Fly Fishing: How To Start Helping Articles19 hours ago by Michael Adams
The purpose of this article is to help the beginner fly fishing. The terminology and the basic methods used in fly fishing may be unfamiliar to the beginner at fly fishing, so we will commence from the very beginning.

Flextec StreamTec Fly Fishing Rod Rrp 10ft # 4 £224.99 £80.19 ...10 minutes ago by UKFishingMan
The StreamTec has been designed by fisherman who understand the sport of Fly Fishing, it's that simple! Its accuracy of casting is better than any other rod we have fished and its responsiveness when fishing is second to none. ...
Fishing Rod Store -

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Josh Lantz. World Class Fly FIshing, fishing guide, Cranberry Lake ...24 Oct 2010 by Don Dziedzina
Josh does fly fish and takes clients out on the St. Joseph River and other great waters for fly fishing excursions. But he also takes clients out and uses traditional tackle as well. One of his home waters is Cranberry Lake near Mill ...
ChicagoNow -

Getting Started In Fly Fishing Sanya Hotels20 hours ago by David Kuszak
Fishing is a popular hobby that if you do not already know someone who has a deep passion for it, you are probably not knowing enough people! This hobby is especially prevalent around the coastal area or a region with a lot of lakes.
Sanya Hotels -

How Important Is It To Have Good Fly Fishing Equipment?6 hours ago by arauthor
Fly fishing, a sport of significant skill, continues to grow in popularity as the fundamentals of it are passed on from generation to generation and from.
Web-trepreneurs Buy and Sell Classified... -

Fly Fishing – Essential Guide On How To Become A Master Fly Fisher ...58 minutes ago by Admin
Fly Fishing – Essential Guide On How To Become A Master Fly Fisher (Fly Fishing Training Course) Ever dream of.
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Fly Fishing For Beginners Kevin Jones - Bridging the Gap9 hours ago by Kevin
Flyfishing For Beginners - Equipment, Fly Tying, Casting, flyfishing Tips, Tour of Fly Fishing Destinations. Ebook and Audiobook package. Fly Fishing For.
Kevin Jones - Bridging the Gap -

What Are The 3 Must-Have Fly Fishing Accessories? Travel guide ...4 hours ago by admin
As any angler knows, the entire fishing experience is enhanced by using several fly fishing accessories. These accessories can help all of us to.
Best Cheap Vacation -

Fly Fishing Lessons – Part 23 NewsDX Blog4 hours ago
Fly lines. The basics of fly lines, different types of lines for different types of fly fishing, and how to identify them when.
NewsDX Blog -

Steak for Trout Fly Fishing Frenzy24 Oct 2010 by Big Hoss
This past year I have fished more and more with streamers and some of my favorites are streamers from Kelly Galloup. Kelly Galloup's the Slide Inn is located.
Fly Fishing Frenzy -

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Land Development Model – An Appraisal & Valuation Tool ...5 hours ago by admin
Flyfishing News and Reports. Fly Fishing and Fly Tying News. RSS. Land Development Model – An Appraisal & Valuation Tool. 26 Oct ... WAPSI Fly Tying Tool - Bead Tweezer. US $3.95. End Date: Tuesday Oct-26-2010 20:05:20 PDT ...
Flyfishing News and Reports -

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Through the Fly Fishing Paths The Fishing Hole5 hours ago by admin
Amazon.comThrough the Fly Fishing Paths intends to describe the art of fishing and all that surrounds and nurtures it with sense. Apart from taking the fish.
The Fishing Hole -

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The Weekly Fly- Fly fishing and tying video extravaganza ...5 hours ago by Wayne Mumford
Fly tying tutorial videos, online and DVD collections of video tutorials of some really great fly patterns. -

Bass Fly Fishing Tools of the Trade My Fishing Places13 hours ago by admin
In any activity or sports it is essential to have the right equipment. When it comes to a sport like fishing a good set of equipments is always.
My Fishing Places -

Tips on Choosing Fly Fishing Nets Fly Fishing Trip24 Oct 2010 by admin
Author: Jake D Source: Your capital adjustment of landing a corner apparently your rod and reel. However, fly fishing nets are still relevant.
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Fly Fishing in the L.A. River - Los Angeles News - The Informer14 Sep 2009 by Steven Mikulan
Thanks to The Eastsider LA for flagging a wonderfully quirky site devoted to city fly-fishing. UrbanFlyVentures, the blog straightforwardly tells...
LA Daily -

Selecting the Best Fly Fishing Gear for Your Needs Beith Online24 Oct 2010 by Anne
One of the most essential fly fishing gear is the vest and waders. There are waders which come with boots and there are waders which some call “stocking feet†, meaning, you will have to purchase your boots separately. ...
Beith Online -

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Fly Rod Reel Fly Fishing Supplies9 hours ago by admin
Most basic cheap fly fishing rod reel kit maybe? I know they will be like shit. My friends and bro's are all 400-600 dollar setups. I fly fished growing up so i still got it all down pat. I just can't afford. ...
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Flyfishing Books D.N. Bass Fishing Supplies24 Oct 2010 by admin
Fly fishing may strike many of those interested in the activity as an intimidating hobby for beginners but with the appropriate technique, fly fishing equipment and practice it is an absolutely enjoyable experience. ...
DN Bass Fishing Supplies -

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Fly Fishing Technique – the Best Technique for Fishing a Fly with ...24 Oct 2010 by JM Van Horn
artificial flies you need to use specialized fly fishing gear. As a matter of fact, many trout fishing tips involve some manner of fly fishing. The fact that fly fishing involves the use of "fly fishing" gear has always meant that ...
Newstwitt -

Fly Fishing Bass – Smallmouth and Largemouth SoCal Smallmouth ...15 hours ago by admin
Bass Fly Fishing I left Los Angeles to go fly fishing at “the Canals” My flies: chartreuse/white and orange/white clousers (I found these two colors work the best), reddish crayfish, foam spiders (normally used for panfish, ...
Smallmouth Bass Tips -

Denver Area Carp Slam Tournament! Denver Trout Unlimited Benefiting The South Platter River

Denver Trout Unlimited's Annual Carp Tourney...It's Back!

This is a great event every year and glad to talk more about what the boys have planned for the Slam this year. I can still remember back when I was the Activities Chair for the Denver TU many moon years ago helping to start this with the boys. Tim "Fishman" Emery still get's the ball rolling each year and does one incredible job to promote this every year. Man has it grown into a Success thanks to him and efforts of some friends at TU each year, sorry I'll be out of town this year chasing Yellowstone Cutthroats in Montana and covering many of Yellowstones tops waters, so not able to help out or enter this year! I'm going to miss the antics from our Pal Barry Reynolds again as well as
many of my other DTU and Caro friends.

It's brought to you by the Denver Chapter of Trout Unlimited, the South Platte Pro-Am Carp Slam teams up professional and amateur fly fishers to chase the elusive common carp on the waters of South Platte River in and around downtown Denver. The tournament is challenging, and fun! It also benefits restoration efforts taking place on the South Platte River.

Monday, June 21, 2010

FFA Fly Fishing Site Of The Month..Guide House Guide Pics!

More Great Fly Fishing Photography

I received and email recently from Francois Botha at Guide House Guide Pics. Talk about some outstanding pictures and incredible trips to read about. If you haven't checked them out, do it!

Francois and the guys definitely make the rounds across the planet and from the looks of it, they're not slowing down anytime soon.

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rocky Mountain Runoff Is Here, Whatcha Gonna Do?

Waters Raging What Next?

It's that time of year again we all dread, hot temperatures, mudslides, fewer hatches and that raging whitewater on most rivers in this area. Do we dread it or just simply learn to adapt?

While snowpack in the Rockies plays a vital role that helps to ensure water capacity for months to follow, it's something we all learn to adapt to. How do we do that you ask? I remember talking with Kelly Galloup a few months ago and chatting about fishing various river tractics, streamer fishing mostly -my Fav, and what most people do when the water runs high? His response was get back out on the water! Now most rivers and especially most fisherman, are at quite a disadvantage this time of year, a few steps can make this a fun time chasing trout. On the Madison he told me stories of big fish during this time hugging the edges during this time, though I can agree to a certain extent, I may have to pass unless I just have to fish the rivers and get my game on again throwing Bitch creeks or huge flashy streamers. If you do make sure the water isn't too high, we want you to be safe when targeting those biggies. Checkout runoffs favorite flies to use and tips.

I personally recomend checking your local stream reports before hitting out to see how far along the river is during runofff and your options. My ticket would be to head straight to the lakes for some fun throwing Chironomids, Damsels, seal buggers or relaxing at one of my favorite Stillwater haunts!


Colorado's season is in full force now and whether you get out to a few lakes like me, get out to Kayak/Raft a few Class V's -my favorite pastime of 10 yrs before my fly fishing addiction, be safe out there while walking/playing in rivers this time of year.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer Carp on a Fly! Colorado Carp Fishing at It's Finest

Summer Carp Fishing, It's Addicting!

So you keep hearing about fisherman in your area going after Carp and asking yourself, What's all this fuss about? If you don't know, if you haven't tried it or better yet, if you have not experienced this new "Art of Fly fishing" you better jump on board! While I've been targeting these Golden Bones for the past 5 years, attempted a decade or so ago but to no avail it seems to be catching on slowly but surely.

carp fishing scales5

What is it about Carp fishing on a fly that makes this new targeted species so appealing? That's a question to be answered only by those who have the patience, integrity, Saltwater skills needed and a best buddy who will tag along to land them for you in case your keen senses of slime are not present.

To catch a Carp on a fly is an experience that will change you without a doubt. For most of the people I've taken out and given them this newfound experience, it's brought out a few dozen calls now when the Carp bite begins each season. Once you've tried it and maybe if lucky enough after a few times out to hook one, it literally hooks you!

For great Carp tips and experiences chasing some Goldens, checkout our friend's at This River is Wild, Roughfisher and the Carp on a Fly Blog

chad carpcolorado carp on a fly
Chad on a nice day out with me fishing and getting a nice one a few weeks back. I've been fortunate to have some sweet spots close to where I live and I can almost time it each week when the perfect time is to head out for some fun. I got lucky one day recently and landed 4 in 3 hours, not too bad but considering 1 broke me off, 4 were also on that got off and I pulled it from another 7, that was a pretty epic day for me! In the last few weeks, all in all roughly 10 landed, 20 something on/off, 4 break offs and I pulled it from about 50...I keep going back for more each week!

What are the best times to go and Tips? Link

P6120986south platte carp2
You never know what you might catch in some of Colorado's nutrient "Ha" rich warmwater. Though I focus on Rivers a ton, lakes can also be highly productive for Carp. I've caught bass, walleye, catfish and a few fish I'm still not sure what they are to this day when out chasing Goldens.
Do you have the proper Carp flies, if not check these out


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Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Stillwater Fishing Trip! One of Many To Come

Stillwater Fishing Colorado

I'm a Stillwater nut and when I can escape to a few favorite Lakes, I'm there every weekend if possible. Some fun times fishing a few Colorado lakes recently, sweet night time action, 15 hookups one afternoon and camping right on the water, what more could you ask for!

Great day out at one of my favorite Stillwater haunts

nice trout
Many fat Rianbows and Snake River Cutts were the target of my weekend

Fishing Colorado's Stillwater, Tips locations and more

Stillwater Summer fishing means you never know what to expect, crazy winds, few crowds and great fishing if you're lucky enough. Chironomids, Damsels and Callibaetis is the way to go, so stock up before heading out on the lake!

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stillwater Fishing..It's Started, Have You! Tips, Places, Hatches and More

Stillwater Season is Upon Us

Many of my fishing Pals know that when these two things happen, Troutdawg will be no where else but on the Lakes. When the rivers turn milky and runoff begins as well as when my Chironomids begin, I'm always hitting the lakes. Oh yeah, Fall time is the right time also for me to be found throwing Callibaetis/Chirono's or streamers on some big cutty's.

Whether it's fly fishing Stillwater at night or trying to figure out all the top patterns from all the best Stillwater experts and their flies, can you truly ever learn enough about Stillwater? Some of my favorite waters include Antero Reservoir (when the crowds aren't hatching), Spinney, Delaney Buttes , anything in South Park or Pyramid Lake in Nevada. There's also one of everyone's favorite if you make the drive to Montana-I am in August, that's Ennis Lake! Between Hebgen Lake and Quake are both great fisheries but so are a few of these Gems in Montana.

Being buddies with Experts like Brian Yamauchi and Rick Takahashi means there's always plenty to learn from these guys and the knowledge they possess is amazing when it comes to Midges and Stillwater fishing. Denny Rickards also had been helpful to me in picking up tricks of the trade in Stillwater, one thing that's for certain though is that it takes years and years of time on the water to get the job done. Do your homework and don't be afraid to ask the experts what's going on!

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill Hits 50 days!! What Next

BP CEO Tony Hayward: “I’d like my life back

The millionaire CEO of foreign oil giant British Petroleum, Tony Hayward, is upset at the inconvenience caused to him by his company’s devastation of the Gulf of Mexico. In this TP excerpt, Brad Johnson has the stunning video of the tone-deaf ‘apology’ from the leader of the company whose recklessness and hubris has already claimed 11 lives and spewed 20 to 100 million gallons of toxic oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

On Sunday, immediately after apologizing, Hayward then complained about the effect of the Deepwater Horizon disaster on his personal life, saying “I would like my life back“

We’re sorry for the massive disruption it’s caused their lives. There’s no one who wants this over more than I do. I would like my life back.


Clean The Birds or Kill Them
Sad theory and unethical comments from a few scientist currently
(not something I believe in at all and though a harsh reality many may die, we did this so we owe it to them)

Today's numbers from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other groups involved in the cleanup show that 413 oiled birds have been collected alive, and 594 dead birds have been picked up. Of all those birds, only 39 have been released back into the wild.


Probe Launched Into Criminal Charges Against BP

The U.S. has launched criminal and civil investigations into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill—the latest move by the Obama administration to show it is taking aggressive action amid bipartisan criticism of its response to the disasters.

"We have what we think is a sufficient basis for us to have begun a criminal investigation," said U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Tuesday after meeting in New Orleans with state attorneys general and federal prosecutors from the region. Mr. Holder noted that 11 people died in the April 20 rig accident that precipitated the spills.
Spill Probe Investigation Link


BP Oil Wants YOUR Ideas and Suggestions On How To Stop The Oil Leak!
Their hotline number is (281)-366-5511.

More Idiot Remarks British Petroleum(BP) rep Randy Prescott made a comment, “Louisiana isn’t the only place that has shrimp.” His office phone number is (713)323-4093 his email is Give him a call or send an email


Psychologist: Oil Spill Worst Disaster in U.S. History


BP Disaster Worst American Oil Spill on Record
The 15,000 gallons of oil being spewed each day into the Gulf from the April 20 Deepwater Horizon oil accident will impact the U.S. economy more than the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster. The Gulf fishing and tourism industries produce $3.5 - $4.5 billion a year. It will cost BP $4 billion to contain and clean up the mess, and another $4-$5 billion in penalties. BP has spilled 30 million gallons of oil into the Gulf, three times the Exxon Valdez.


NEW ORLEANS – BP says the cost of the company's response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has reached about $1.25 billion.
The company announced the total in a news release Monday. BP says the figure does not include $360 million for a project to build six sand berms meant to protect Louisiana's wetlands from spreading oil.

Fly Fish Addiction getting a little attention on Google and the oil spill.
Yes MSNBC and CBS trails FFA in top news outlets!

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Colorado Spring Wildlife Pictures

Colorado Wildlife Pictures and Some Close Calls
Most of you know I like to include a few picture on my blog from time to time. Yes, most of my pictures wouldn't be caught dead in any decent publication, thank goodness I have a blog to exploit them in! Enjoy a few pictures from this past Spring and I can't wait to see what the Summer holds for me.

Close call with a big boy...Coyotes in the Wild

Kramer playing catch me if you can with a fellow squirrel

Colorado Bison...Great to watch, not fun to be
in the same vicinity with

mule deer shot
North Park Mule Deer herd heading down to the River on
another fine Spring day

Boca girl spotting out a few trout holes for me

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Yellowstone: Battle For Life! Incredible Documentary

Yellowstone National Park..One Amazing Place!

Yellowstone National Park, one of the most dramatic places on earth as well as one of the most merciless, is put is put display for your viewing pleasure this week. If you haven't watched this incredible documentary yet, you need to. The Animals living in Yellowstone constantly fight for survival, whether through its harsh climates and artic winters, or through the larger predator food chains that exist within the park's 3,500 miles.

Yellowstone is a special place to me and one place that tops my list for places to visit and fishing destinations without a doubt. It's been close to 20 years since I've called this magical place home and with much anticipation, my trip back there in a few months will be a welcomed one.

To purchase this incredible piece, you can go to the Discovery Channel or Blu-Ray for your video
To find out more about the History of Yellowstone checkout Wikipedia,

Upcoming Shows To Watch:

6/3 7pm (Mtn Standard) Animal Planet 282 on Direct Tv
6/3/ 10pm "" ""
6/4 2am "" ""

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