Escape the Cold and Head to Florida for the Holidays!!
I spent Thansgiving down in Clearwater with the Family and what a nice escape it was. A nice escape indeed seeing how my Saltwater trips have been slightly limited the past year.
Clearwater is a great place to be and better yet when you're able to stay right on the beack with a pool, it's hard for me to want to head back to Colorado. Fishing was also limited for me seeing how my surgery over a month ago has limited my ability to catch a few but hopefully I will be back here again in a few months to catch some Redfish.
The debate still ensues for me....Live in Denver half the Year and Tampa Bay the other...what a life that would be to be able to fish both Regions and escape the Cold!


As Napoleon Dynamite would say "Lucky"
Ah...escape the cold AND the heat! Florida gets brutal in the summer. FYI, my in-laws live in Dunedin, and we visit there somewhat regularly. We do some flats fishing when we're down there. My MIL owns the Dunedin Fish Market. So we're in good with all the charter captains.
Ken Morrow
Life is good down there and can't wait to get back...plenty of fish to catch!!
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