Another dry winter month has put Colorado's snowpack further below average. According to the latest snowpack report from the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Colorado basins were at 86 percent of average as of Monday. The percentage is the lowest since 2003.
Catching up to average snowpack levels becomes more of a longshot each month. "We need 125 percent of average snowfall for the next 2½ months," said Mike Gillespie, snow-survey supervisor with the NRCS. For your complete weather report for snowfall, weather predictions and more, go to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin
Last month, catching up to average required snowfall of 110 percent of average. Now, with that number going up, Gillespie said the NRCS estimates a 20 percent chance of getting the needed snowfall to return levels to average.
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Montana also has been hurting for snow totals as well, checkout our friend's at Chi Wulff for a complete update on how they're doing so far this year and what to expect.


Not sure where you guys are but SW Colorado is above snowpack at about 18.5 inches (water in snow) compared to average of about 17. Very close to last year as far as amounts
Yeah it seems as of late that we're finally starting to see some powder fall for a change. Due to a snowstorm even tonight, I passed through coming back from the Pan. Seems we're getting back to where we need to be again
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