BP CEO Tony Hayward: “I’d like my life back
The millionaire CEO of foreign oil giant British Petroleum, Tony Hayward, is upset at the inconvenience caused to him by his company’s devastation of the Gulf of Mexico. In this TP excerpt, Brad Johnson has the stunning video of the tone-deaf ‘apology’ from the leader of the company whose recklessness and hubris has already claimed 11 lives and spewed 20 to 100 million gallons of toxic oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
On Sunday, immediately after apologizing, Hayward then complained about the effect of the Deepwater Horizon disaster on his personal life, saying “I would like my life back“
We’re sorry for the massive disruption it’s caused their lives. There’s no one who wants this over more than I do. I would like my life back.

Clean The Birds or Kill Them
Sad theory and unethical comments from a few scientist currently
(not something I believe in at all and though a harsh reality many may die, we did this so we owe it to them)
Today's numbers from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other groups involved in the cleanup show that 413 oiled birds have been collected alive, and 594 dead birds have been picked up. Of all those birds, only 39 have been released back into the wild.
The millionaire CEO of foreign oil giant British Petroleum, Tony Hayward, is upset at the inconvenience caused to him by his company’s devastation of the Gulf of Mexico. In this TP excerpt, Brad Johnson has the stunning video of the tone-deaf ‘apology’ from the leader of the company whose recklessness and hubris has already claimed 11 lives and spewed 20 to 100 million gallons of toxic oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
On Sunday, immediately after apologizing, Hayward then complained about the effect of the Deepwater Horizon disaster on his personal life, saying “I would like my life back“
We’re sorry for the massive disruption it’s caused their lives. There’s no one who wants this over more than I do. I would like my life back.

Clean The Birds or Kill Them
Sad theory and unethical comments from a few scientist currently
(not something I believe in at all and though a harsh reality many may die, we did this so we owe it to them)
Today's numbers from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other groups involved in the cleanup show that 413 oiled birds have been collected alive, and 594 dead birds have been picked up. Of all those birds, only 39 have been released back into the wild.

Probe Launched Into Criminal Charges Against BP
The U.S. has launched criminal and civil investigations into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill—the latest move by the Obama administration to show it is taking aggressive action amid bipartisan criticism of its response to the disasters.
"We have what we think is a sufficient basis for us to have begun a criminal investigation," said U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Tuesday after meeting in New Orleans with state attorneys general and federal prosecutors from the region. Mr. Holder noted that 11 people died in the April 20 rig accident that precipitated the spills.
Spill Probe Investigation Link

BP Oil Wants YOUR Ideas and Suggestions On How To Stop The Oil Leak!
Their hotline number is (281)-366-5511.
More Idiot Remarks British Petroleum(BP) rep Randy Prescott made a comment, “Louisiana isn’t the only place that has shrimp.” His office phone number is (713)323-4093 his email is randy.prescott@bp.com Give him a call or send an email

BP Disaster Worst American Oil Spill on Record
The 15,000 gallons of oil being spewed each day into the Gulf from the April 20 Deepwater Horizon oil accident will impact the U.S. economy more than the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster. The Gulf fishing and tourism industries produce $3.5 - $4.5 billion a year. It will cost BP $4 billion to contain and clean up the mess, and another $4-$5 billion in penalties. BP has spilled 30 million gallons of oil into the Gulf, three times the Exxon Valdez.

NEW ORLEANS – BP says the cost of the company's response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has reached about $1.25 billion.
The company announced the total in a news release Monday. BP says the figure does not include $360 million for a project to build six sand berms meant to protect Louisiana's wetlands from spreading oil.

Fly Fish Addiction getting a little attention on Google and the oil spill.
Yes MSNBC and CBS trails FFA in top news outlets!


I'm ready for these idiots to fix this disastrous problem! No good solutions in the near future I fear.
You're right, this has no happy ending in sight and now it's just a ticking time bomb on how soon they can stop it and rebound from.
This is not at all looking good for our Sunshine state. It's already hitting the Panhandle of Florida, next I'm sure west coast of Florida than the Keys. When will it end?
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