It's that time of year again we all dread, hot temperatures, mudslides, fewer hatches and that raging whitewater on most rivers in this area. Do we dread it or just simply learn to adapt?
While snowpack in the Rockies plays a vital role that helps to ensure water capacity for months to follow, it's something we all learn to adapt to. How do we do that you ask? I remember talking with Kelly Galloup a few months ago and chatting about fishing various river tractics, streamer fishing mostly -my Fav, and what most people do when the water runs high? His response was get back out on the water! Now most rivers and especially most fisherman, are at quite a disadvantage this time of year, a few steps can make this a fun time chasing trout. On the Madison he told me stories of big fish during this time hugging the edges during this time, though I can agree to a certain extent, I may have to pass unless I just have to fish the rivers and get my game on again throwing Bitch creeks or huge flashy streamers. If you do make sure the water isn't too high, we want you to be safe when targeting those biggies. Checkout runoffs favorite flies to use and tips.
I personally recomend checking your local stream reports before hitting out to see how far along the river is during runofff and your options. My ticket would be to head straight to the lakes for some fun throwing Chironomids, Damsels, seal buggers or relaxing at one of my favorite Stillwater haunts!

Colorado's season is in full force now and whether you get out to a few lakes like me, get out to Kayak/Raft a few Class V's -my favorite pastime of 10 yrs before my fly fishing addiction, be safe out there while walking/playing in rivers this time of year.


1 comment:
Man is going to be a rocky runoff this season
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