Thanks to all that contributed to our annual FFA photo contest. Lot's of great stuff out there and plenty of talented shots taken. I could definitely learn a few things from some of the guys out there. I appreciate all the shots and sorry to those that didn't win this time.
The attached photo is from the Clark Fork in Missoula Montana. By Gus O'Bosky a student at the University of Montana.
Congrats to Gus, great shot! Gus will be checking his email soon for a new Orvis fly box courtesy of FFA. We could use more photos here at FFA so feel free to send fishing pics anytime and we'll be happy to add them to our main FFA website.

If you're in Boulder, checkout the new Orvis store for some specials and new line of fishing gear for 2012.
Still Jonezin, Checkout These Similar Threads
That is a great photo. I love the composition. Its like the angler just had to pause to take in the great light and enjoy the moment. Montan...ah
Pretty sweet shot and makes me dream of big Montana water and getting the camera out again! Thanks
Impressive shot! Can't wait to get back out to the Rockies to fish there next Summer.
You need to get back out this way next Spring, that or meet us in Montana for our annual Trip!
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