Well as I type this it's a high of 5' degrees today here in the Mile High City but a few days ago I was enjoying the perks of living in Denver. Friday it was shorts weather out on the South Platte River for an hour before work, okay maybe light pants weather. Anytime the temp get's above 55' I'm Carpin and finding some shorts to wear to show off these pasty legs!
For those who know me most can tell you that I'm a Carp Addict, wintertime not so much, something to do with piles of snow outside and Carp barely worth a fight. It seems that despite all the snow in the Hills, one of the perks of living in Denver it's our crazy winter weather. January can be -10' degrees outside (like today) or like last week, in the upper 60's??? That's Denver for ya!
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Carp fishing on a fly is pretty exciting, whether you get to do it in the Summertime (the best), Springtime or as of late, Wintertime...it's all good! Yes you get more of a fight when the water is warmer and they're more active, but anytime you get can away for some Carp action I'm there.

Tried to get my Pal Jake "AKA Carp Slayer and Wiper Master" out but he had gone already on Thurs and was tied up with other business, maybe next time.
Springtime looks to be a good one this year for my Goldens!
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Son yuze crazy! You Denverites have the craziest weather it seems. Glad you found some Goldens, were they fighters at all?
Very cool. Nice report. I was out carpin on Friday too. Crazy weather.
Fishguy - All the ones I hooked fought magnitudes better than usual for winter. Apparently a 100+ year high temp puts the backbone right back in the carp!
They were actually a little active and fought decent suprisingly.
McTage-thanks and glad you were able to get into some Goldens as well. Both the fish and myself can't wait for warmer temps again!
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